East Goldfield Property Has Been Staked In Goldfield Mining District
VANCOUVER, BC - Silver Range Resources Ltd. has staked the East Goldfield Property in the Goldfield Mining District. The East Goldfield Property is located 12 kilometers east of Goldfield, adjacent to claims comprising the Gemfield Project, currently being developed by a subsidiary of Waterton Global Resource Management. Nearby deposits include the Goldfield Main Deposit (4.2 M oz Au), the Gemfield Deposit (600 K oz Au) and the McMahon Ridge Deposit (199 K oz Au).
The East Goldfield Property consists of 69 Federal Lode claims staked over a highly-altered linear structural feeder to the circular fracture system that localizes gold deposits in the Goldfield Mining District. The claims cover a highly-altered, enigmatic breccia unit in the core of the linear fracture system. High sulphidation epithermal gold mineralization occurs on the claims in vuggy quartz ledges with peripheral quartz-alunite alteration. The Tom Keane Mine, located on the southern portion of the property, is the most significant showing in the area. It was developed prior to 1931 to a depth of 500 feet on four levels. Small undocumented lease production occurred during this period. A 1935 evaluation report cited assays of 3.04 m @ 4.11 g/t Au from the 200-foot level and 11.6 m @ 2.88 g/t Au from the 300-foot level. Metallic Gold Ventures Ltd. drilled ten holes in the immediate area of the Tom Keane Mine in 2003, reporting intersections in 9 holes with the best intersections being 4.57 m @ 8.23 g/t Au and 44.21 m @ 1.03 g/t Au. Surface grab samples at the Tom Keane Mine collected by Silver Range assayed up to 0.85 g/t Au and grab samples collected from vuggy quartz ledges elsewhere on the property returned up to 0.25 g/t Au. These relatively low-grade surface samples are consistent with historic results which indicate higher grade gold mineralization is blind to surface.
Prior to staking, Silver Range conducted stream sediment and soil geochemical surveys in a 4 km by 3 km target area, now covered by the claims. This sampling delineated a region of elevated response in gold, arsenic, bismuth and copper, coincident with the axis of the structural corridor and the breccia unit. The breccia is composed of sub-angular to sub-rounded clasts of Milltown Andesite and Goldfield Dacite in a matrix of iron oxide and clays. While mapped as a landslide unit by the United States Geological Survey, these rocks show all the characteristics of a hydrothermal breccia. Silver Range believes that both the breccia unit and regolith at the base of the Milltown Andesite underlying the property area are prospective to host a high sulphidation gold deposit of significant size. Silver Range intends to explore the East Goldfield Property with airborne and ground geophysical surveys, alteration mapping, detailed geological mapping and systematic panel sampling of the extensive system of fracture-controlled vuggy quartz ledges found on the property.
The company’s address is 1016, 510 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1L8, (604) 687-2522, www.silverrangeresources.com.